50 research outputs found

    Semantic categorisation of a word supports its phonological integrity in verbal short-term memory

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    In three immediate serial recall (ISR) experiments we tested the hypothesis that interactive processing between semantics and phonology supports phonological coherence in verbal short-term memory (STM). Participants categorised spoken words in six-item lists as they were presented, according to their semantic or phonological properties, then repeated the items in presentation order (Experiment 1). Despite matched categorisation performance between conditions, semantically-categorised words were correctly recalled more often than phonologically-categorised words. This accuracy advantage in the semantic condition was accompanied by fewer phoneme recombination errors. Comparisons with a no- categorisation ISR baseline (Experiment 2) indicated that, although categorisations were disruptive overall, recombination errors were specifically rarer following semantic cate- gorisation. Experiment 3 replicated the key findings from Experiment 1 and also revealed fewer phonologically-related errors following semantic categorisation compared to a per- ceptual categorisation of high or low pitch. Therefore, augmented activation of semantic representations stabilises the phonological traces of words within verbal short-term memory, in line with the ‘‘semantic binding” hypothesis

    rTMS evidence for a dissociation in short-term memory for spoken words and nonwords

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    Differing patterns of verbal short-term memory (STM) impairment have provided unique insights into the relationship between STM and broader language function. Lexicality effects (i.e., better recall for words than nonwords) are larger in patients with phonological deficits following left temporoparietal lesions, and smaller in patients with semantic impairment and anterior temporal damage, supporting linguistic accounts of STM. However, interpretation of these patient dissociations are complicated by (i) non-focal damage and (ii) confounding factors and secondary impairments. This study addressed these issues by examining the impact of inhibitory transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on auditory-verbal STM performance in healthy individuals. We compared the effects of TMS to left anterior supramarginal gyrus (SMG) and left anterior middle temporal gyrus (ATL) on STM for lists of nonwords and random words. SMG stimulation disrupted nonword recall, in a pattern analogous to that observed in patients, compatible with a role for this site in processing speech sounds without support from long-term lexical-semantic representations. Stimulation of ATL, a semantic site, disrupted the recall of words but not nonwords. A visual pattern memory task indicated that these effects of TMS were restricted to the verbal domain. These data provide convergent evidence for the conclusions of neuropsychological studies that support linguistic accounts of verbal STM

    Individual differences in verbal short-term memory and reading aloud: Semantic compensation for weak phonological processing across tasks

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    According to contemporary accounts, linguistic behaviour reflects the interaction of distinct representations supporting word meaning and phonology. However, there is controversy about the extent to which this interaction occurs within task-specific systems, specialised for reading and short-term memory, as opposed to between components that support the full range of linguistic tasks. We examined whether individual differences in the efficiency of phonological processing would relate to the application of lexical-semantic knowledge to support verbal short-term memory, single word reading and repetition. In a sample of 83 participants we related nonword performance in each task (as a marker of phonological capacity in the absence of meaning) to the effects of word imageability (a lexical-semantic variable). We found stronger reliance on lexical-semantic knowledge in participants with weaker phonological processing. This relationship held across tasks, suggesting that lexical-semantic processing can compensate for phonological weakness which would otherwise give rise to poor performance. Our results are consistent with separable yet interacting primary systems for phonology and semantics, with lexical-semantic knowledge supporting pattern completion within the phonological system in a similar way across short-term memory and reading tasks

    Newly-acquired words are more phonologically robust in verbal short-term memory when they have associated semantic representations

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    Verbal short-term memory (STM) is a crucial cognitive function central to language learning, comprehension and reasoning, yet the processes that underlie this capacity are not fully understood. In particular, although STM primarily draws on a phonological code, interactions between long-term phonological and semantic representations might help to stabilise the phonological trace for words ("semantic binding hypothesis"). This idea was first proposed to explain the frequent phoneme recombination errors made by patients with semantic dementia when recalling words that are no longer fully understood. However, converging evidence in support of semantic binding is scant: it is unusual for studies of healthy participants to examine serial recall at the phoneme level and also it is difficult to separate the contribution of phonological-lexical knowledge from effects of word meaning. We used a new method to disentangle these influences in healthy individuals by training new 'words' with or without associated semantic information. We examined phonological coherence in immediate serial recall (ISR), both immediately and the day after training. Trained items were more likely to be recalled than novel nonwords, confirming the importance of phonological-lexical knowledge, and items with semantic associations were also produced more accurately than those with no meaning, at both time points. For semantically-trained items, there were fewer phoneme ordering and identity errors, and consequently more complete target items were produced in both correct and incorrect list positions. These data show that lexical-semantic knowledge improves the robustness of verbal STM at the sub-item level, even when the effect of phonological familiarity is taken into account

    Dynamic distortion simulations for curved aeronautical intakes

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    This research focuses on the numerical simulation of the dynamic distortion in highly convoluted aeronautic intakes and extends the current knowledge with a systematic study of the influence of duct diameter, Mach number and offset. A comparison against experimental data revealed the capability of Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation to reproduce the trends of variation of distortion descriptors and pressure recovery although the absolute values are not yet captured. Analysis of the temporal distribution of the flow parameters identified the relevant fluctuating components both for total pressure distortion and swirl. A Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of the flow highlighted important differences of the major flow structures for different duct curvatures and a strong dependence of the distortion parameters also on the finer flow structures

    Shape optimization of a curved duct with Free Form Deformations

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    The Free Form Deformation method was applied to a S-duct geometry to reduce total pressure losses and flow distortion. The deformation method was coupled with a multiobjective genetic algorithm to optimize the shape of a diffusing S-duct, which was previously investigated, both numerically and experimentally. During the optimization process, 200 deformed shapes were tested with steady-state CFD simulations and the performances were evaluated both in terms of total pressure losses and swirl angle at the outlet. It was obtained a Pareto front with a maximum total pressure losses reduction of 20% and a maximum swirl reduction of 10%. The two extreme points of the Pareto front were further investigated by transient Detached Eddy Simulations to assess also the impact of the optimization on the flow instability. Surprisingly, one of the solutions showed stable and stationary vortical structures. This is in strong contrast with the previous investigations of the flow field time history of the baseline configuration, which outlined strong oscillations of the flow field combined with a high increase of the distortion parameters in comparison with the time-averaged flow field

    Intrinsic connectivity of left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex predicts individual differences in controlled semantic retrieval

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    Control processes allow us to constrain the retrieval of semantic information from long-term memory so that it is appropriate for the task or context. Control demands are influenced by the strength of the target information itself and by the circumstances in which it is retrieved, with more control needed when relatively weak aspects of knowledge are required and after the sustained retrieval of related concepts. To investigate the neurocognitive basis of individual differences in these aspects of semantic control, we used resting-state fMRI to characterise the intrinsic connectivity of left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), implicated in controlled retrieval, and examined associations on a paced serial semantic task, in which participants were asked to detect category members among distractors. This task manipulated both the strength of target associations and the requirement to sustain retrieval within a narrow semantic category over time. We found that individuals with stronger connectivity between VLPFC and medial prefrontal cortex within the default mode network (DMN) showed better retrieval of strong associations (which are thought to be recalled more automatically). Stronger connectivity between the same VLPFC seed and another DMN region in medial parietal cortex was associated with larger declines in retrieval over the course of the category. In contrast, participants with stronger connectivity between VLPFC and cognitive control regions within the ventral attention network (VAN) had better controlled retrieval of weak associations and were better able to sustain their comprehension throughout the category. These effects overlapped in left insular cortex within the VAN, indicating that a common pattern of connectivity is associated with different aspects of controlled semantic retrieval induced by both the structure of long-term knowledge and the sustained retrieval of related information

    Distinct individual differences in default mode network connectivity relate to off-task thought and text memory during reading

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    Often, as we read, we find ourselves thinking about something other than the text; this tendency to mind-wander is linked to poor comprehension and reduced subsequent memory for texts. Contemporary accounts argue that periods of off-task thought are related to the tendency for attention to be decoupled from external input. We used fMRI to understand the neural processes that underpin this phenomenon. First, we found that individuals with poorer text-based memory tend to show reduced recruitment of left middle temporal gyrus in response to orthographic input, within a region located at the intersection of default mode, dorsal attention and frontoparietal networks. Voxels within these networks were taken as seeds in a subsequent resting-state study. The default mode network region (i) had greater connectivity with medial prefrontal cortex, falling within the same network, for individuals with better text-based memory, and (ii) was more decoupled from medial visual regions in participants who mind-wandered more frequently. These findings suggest that stronger intrinsic connectivity within the default mode network is linked to better text processing, while reductions in default mode network coupling to the visual system may underpin individual variation in the tendency for our attention to become disengaged from what we are reading

    Dynamic semantic cognition : Characterising coherent and controlled conceptual retrieval through time using magnetoencephalography and chronometric transcranial magnetic stimulation

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    Distinct neural processes are thought to support the retrieval of semantic information that is (i) coherent with strongly-encoded aspects of knowledge, and (ii) non-dominant yet relevant for the current task or context. While the brain regions that support readily coherent and more controlled patterns of semantic retrieval are relatively well-characterised, the temporal dynamics of these processes are not well-understood. This study used magnetoencephalography (MEG) and dual-pulse chronometric transcranial magnetic stimulation (cTMS) in two separate experiments to examine temporal dynamics during the retrieval of strong and weak associations. MEG results revealed a dissociation within left temporal cortex: anterior temporal lobe (ATL) showed greater oscillatory response for strong than weak associations, while posterior middle temporal gyrus (pMTG) showed the reverse pattern. Left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), a site associated with semantic control and retrieval, showed both patterns at different time points. In the cTMS experiment, stimulation of ATL at ∼150 msec disrupted the efficient retrieval of strong associations, indicating a necessary role for ATL in coherent conceptual activations. Stimulation of pMTG at the onset of the second word disrupted the retrieval of weak associations, suggesting this site may maintain information about semantic context from the first word, allowing efficient engagement of semantic control. Together these studies provide converging evidence for a functional dissociation within the temporal lobe, across both tasks and time